2024 Stewardship
Dear Friends,
St. Augustine famously wrote, “For you [God] have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in you.” Connection with God brings us joy, peace, and fulfillment in a way that achievement, success, influence, and material things never can. We strengthen our connection to God through spiritual disciplines, and growing into a fuller expression of our God-given potential. In creating us, God has given us gifts that we might steward them in loving ways for the benefit of all.
Specifically, God has gifted us with faith, natural abilities, experiences, and life itself. As stewards of these gifts, it is incumbent upon us periodically to step back with intentionality and ask ourselves, “How am I expressing my gratitude to God for the ways I have been blessed? How can I more effectively use these gifts in ways that are consistent with my faith?” This month’s focus on stewardship is our opportunity to do just that. It is a time for us to stop, look, and listen: to reflect on the gifts that God has entrusted to us and the practical ways that we are living out our faith. Out of our reflection we then identify specific goals for stewarding our gifts and growing closer to God. Finally, on October 27, Commitment Sunday, each of us will have the opportunity to place our commitment cards on the altar during the offertory as a sacramental sign of our offering to God from the gifts we have been given. (If you will not be with us in person on the 27th, send/email your commitment cards to the office ahead of time and they will be added to our collective offering on the altar.) If you complete the online form below, you will receive an emailed copy you can print and bring to church with you.
The commitment card below and pledge possibilities form break down five specific areas for us to reflect on the ways in which we are nurturing our faith and using our gifts to grow closer to God and love our neighbor more fully:
Our prayer life
Knowledge and understanding of our faith
Sharing our faith with others
Use of time and talents – at church and in the community
Use of financial resources – at church and in the community
The last two speak of stewardship in the community as well as at Church of Our Saviour. There are important and particular things we can only do at church, but we are also serving God when we share and utilize our gifts with community-based organizations whose mission is consistent with Jesus’ moral teachings and actions.
I invite you to take this month as a time of reflection, prayer, and conversation. Listen for the leading of the Spirit. How is God asking you to grow or focus your efforts in the coming year? This list of Stewardship Possibilities is not an exhaustive list, but a tool for you to use in considering what goals you might set for yourself. If it is helpful, please also feel free to reach out to me to set up a time to talk. May God bless you and the gifts you share with Church of Our Saviour and larger community.
Faithfully yours,
The Rev. Alan C. James
Interim Rector